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chemical element, D.I. Mendeleev table, upper limit, dyads, linear dependence, intersection point, maxi-element, nature code, world constants, Universe, dark energy, dark matter, non-electron species of atoms
3D printing, sulfoaluminate cement, superplasticizer, rheology modifier
The issues of application of 3D additive technologies in construction and other industries are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of 3D printing are shown. A composition of a binder composite for 3D printing based on a combination of Portland cement and sulfoaluminate cement is developed, which can significantly reduce the setting time of the composition. The introduction of modifying functional additives, such as hyperplasticizer, cellulose ethers and a rheology modifier, improves plasticity and elasticity of the solution during its application. It is shown that by adjusting the content of plasticizing additives in the composite, it is possible to choose the optimal value of the water-solid ratio and the required plasticity of the mixture, depending on the required characteristics of mortars and concretes. Regression equations were obtained, according to which the extrema of values were determined - the minimum for the indicators of the water-hardness ratio and the draft of the cone and the maximum for the bending and compressive strengths. The analysis of the dependences obtained made it possible to determine the optimal ratio of additives in the composition. At the same time, the strength of the resulting composite is comparable to the strength of the matrix based on Portland cement.FOR CITATION: Potapova E.N., Burlov I.Yu., Azovtseva O.V., Min Hein Htet. Binders for 3D Printing // Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp. 8 – 15.
ceramide dust, active mineral additive, soil consolidation, waste management, ecology
At present, the enterprises of сeramsite industry produce hundreds of tons of сeramsite fine powder (сeramsite dust) as a by-product with no further use during the main production process. Rational use and utilization of this material will improve the ecological situation in places of ceramide gravel production. The possibility of using сeramsite dust as an active pozzolanic mineral additive in injection mixtures for ground consolidation on the basis of microcement. The article presents the results of a complex study of compositions using infrared spectral analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electron microscopy with X-ray microanalysis. It has been established that the introduction of an additive in an amount of 10% of the weight of cement allows to achieve an increase in compressive strength by 5.6 - 78%.
Gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder; modifying additives; strength; water resistance; metakaolin
Unlike cement stone, hardened gypsum binders have low strength, water and frost resistance, so their scope is limited. The solution to this problem is the modification of compositions based on gypsum binders by introducing Portland cement and active mineral additives in order to convert air gypsum binders into hydraulic ones. The most perfect combination of these components are gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binders (GCPB). They can be used for the production of dry building mixtures and structural elements of low-rise buildings. The study of the influence of individual and complex additives on the properties of gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binders allowed us to develop waterproof gypsum binders. It has been established that the ratio between gypsum binder, Portland cement and active mineral additive depends on the properties of each component and is selected according to a special method. Modification of the composition of GCPB with active mineral additives microsilica and metakaolin, additions of a hyperplasticizer, cellulose ether, redispersible polymer powder and setting retarder made it possible to develop binder compositions with a strength at the age of 28 days at a bending of 12.4-12.7 MPa, under compression - 50.2 -52.0 MPa and a water resistance coefficient of 0.97-0.98.FOR CITATION: Aung Kyaw Nyein, Potapova E.N., Kitaeva А.А. Modification of the composition of gypsum-cement-pozzolan binder // Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp 26 – 36.
frost resistance of concrete, Portland cement with limestone, cement with mineral additives, Portland cement with slag, corrosion, destruction of concrete, thermodynamics
The destruction of the product, depending on the conditions and medium of saturation, proceeds at different rates. It is known that in an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, the destruction of the material under alternating freezing and thawing occurs several times faster than when saturated in water. This is the basis of the accelerated method for determining the frost resistance of concretes. In the article, the mechanisms of damage when exposed to frost and thawing salt are described from the position of changing the structure of cement stone, which is the key component of concrete. It is shown that when determining the frost resistance of cement concretes by the accelerated method in accordance with GOST 10060, phase transformations in cement stone are observed, which can lead to its destruction. The mechanism of recrystallization of primary hydrate phases of AFm type in Friedel salt is described. The features of the structure of cement stone with mineral additives have been studied. The advantage of cements with carbonate additives under conditions of alternating freezing and thawing in an aqueous solution of NaCl has been proved, which may be due to the inertia of CaCO3 to NaCl.FOR CITATION: Korchunov I.V., Potapova E.N., Smolskaya E.A., Sivkov S.P., Turusheva E.V. Features of the formation of hydroaluminates in cement stone during cyclic freezing and thawing in the medium of chlorides // Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp 37 – 47.
silicate composites, metal/carbon nanocomposites, compressive strength, IR-spectroscopy, differential thermal analysis, X-ray microanalysis
Obtaining functional properties for traditional cement-based building materials with the help of special additives that affect the structure formation of cement stone is currently given much attention. New classes of nano-additives for concretes involve deeper mechanisms of structure formation, which requires studying this process. This type of additives includes metal/carbon nanocomposites, which are nanoparticles of metals such as nickel, iron, copper embedded in a carbon film structure. The paper presents the results of research on the modification of cement matrix by nickel/carbon nanocomposite (NC). The results obtained show that metal/carbon NK can have a structuring effect on the silicate binder matrix through the formation of a denser packing, dispersions act as centers of crystallization during cement hydration and form chemical bonds with silicon oxide in the silicate composite.FOR CITATION: Semyonova S.N., Yakovlev G.I., Polyanskih I.S., Buryanov A.F., Shaybadullina A.V. Properties of cement-based composites containing metal/carbon nanocomposite// Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp 48 – 55.
microfill, concrete, dry hot climate, dolomite, filler
The application of a filler as part of a composite binder obtained from screenings of crushing carbonate stone waste used in concrete in a dry hot climate is given. In recent decades, the use of blended Portland cements containing a carbonate component has become widespread due to economic advantages. Production of a finely dispersed and chemically active filler for use in concrete is achieved by mechanochemical activation. The filler increases the degree of hydration of cement due to the immobilization of free water in concrete mixture. The data on the grinding time and the obtained characteristics of the finely dispersed filler are given. It was determined that the initial specific surface area of crushed dolomite stone powder was from 173 m2 /kg. . To prevent aggregation of fine particles and improve the activation process the organic modifier based on a superplasticizing additive of polycarboxylate ethers Sika ViscoCrete 226 P was added. Activation of the filler without organic additive doesn’t show the increase of specific surface area, but also its decrease from 465 to 457 cm2/kg. Activation of screenings of crushing carbonate stone waste in a laboratory mill with organic additive makes possible to obtain the filler with specific surface area equal to 550 m2 /kg.
FOR CITATION: Larsen O. A., Al’obaidi D. A. N., Naruts V. V., Matyushin E. V., Butenko K. A., Veselov V. K. Use of dolomite filler in concrete for dry hot climate // Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp 56 – 65.
modified concrete, software package, modeling, optimization, test methods, fire resistance.
The inclusion of new components in concrete to improve its deformation characteristics is one of the most important tasks of building materials science. The introduction of a dispersed component in the form of a fiber into concrete makes it possible to improve the technical and economic parameters of artificial stone. The paper shows that the fiber positively affects the strength, crack resistance, wear resistance of the structure of the cement conglomerate, as well as other performance properties of concrete, including fire resistance. In this study, the calculated values of the composition of concrete were obtained using a software package that was developed at the Tver State Technical University. This complex allows modeling various compositions of modified concrete. The composition of fiber concrete was calculated, from which the cubes of 100x100x100 mm were prepared. The samples were cured in normal conditions for 28 days. After that they were subjected to fire tests. The test was continued until one or successively all limit states normalized for a given structure. After complete cooling the specimens were subjected to compressive strength tests on a hydraulic press MS-500 according to the standard method. It was shown that fiber influences the character of fracture of cube specimens. Samples without fibers collapsed suddenly, whereas in the case of adding fibers to the composition of the concrete, the cohesiveness of the entire concrete mass increases, so the nature of the collapse is less sudden. Before the final destruction of the massif, significant cracks develop in it. It was found that after a 45-minute exposure to fire, the samples of investigated compositions of fiber concrete showed a strength below the control composition, without the use of disperse reinforcement. This was caused by the burnout of the fiber and, as a consequence, an increase in pores and voids in the sample.KEY WORDS:
foam glass, structure formation, viscosity, sintering, foaming
The relevance of the study is due to the importance of recycling glass waste as a valuable raw material and obtaining durable heat-insulating materials on their basis. The article is devoted to the study of the processes of formation of a porous structure during the heat treatment of raw mixtures based on glass powder and a liquid pore-forming mixture, including the stages of solid- and liquid-phase sintering, melting and foaming. The object is foam glass samples, where the main raw material is broken glass of mixed composition, and a mixture of liquid glass, water and glycerin is used as a pore-forming mixture. Synthesis was carried out using powder technology, heat treatment in the temperature range of 50-1000 °C, analysis of changes in the structure with a step of 50 °C. The following qualitative changes in the structure of the foam glass sample were identified: color change in the range of 350-450 °C; size reduction (sintering) in the range of 600-750 °C; size increase (foaming) in the range of 750-950 °C; foam settling at temperatures above 950 °C. It is shown that the color change is associated with the thermal decomposition of the carbon component and the formation of residual carbon. The decrease in size is associated with the processes of solid-phase and (with glass softening) liquid-phase sintering. The expediency of choosing a temperature of 600-650 °C as the initial foaming temperature was confirmed. A comparison was made between the decrease in glass viscosity and the onset of foaming of the sample upon reaching a viscosity of 106 Pa s at 760°C. The dynamics of pore growth in the foaming range of 800-1000°C was studied. The sources of pore nucleation are established, the processes of pore growth due to the redistribution of gas pressure and the merging of pores are considered. The optimal pore structure and the negative consequences of excessive heating of the samples, including enlargement of pores, volatilization of pore-forming gases, and foam settling, are described.
quick-hardening cement, heat-resistant concrete, corrosion-resistant cement, expanding cement, alumina cementABSTRACT:
The implementation of the National Projects "Affordable and Comfortable Housing - Citizens of Russia" of the National Projects in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the coming years will require 80 - 90 million tons of cements with unique and special properties. Special cements such as quick-hardening, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, expanding as well as aluminate cements will be in great demand. These types of cement are used in the construction of buildings and structures exposed to aggressive environment, in drilling of oil and gas wells, in the construction of thermal units in various industries, to create waterproof coatings and protection against radiation, for construction work in remote areas of the country with different climatic conditions. The task of the study is to analyze special cements, their varieties used in modern construction. The methodological basis is the analysis of the literature data and the results of the author, carried out in different years of scientific activity in the study of the properties of special cements and the main areas of their application. The result of the research - it is shown that special cements provide fast set of strength, high density of mortars and concretes, corrosion protection against aggressive environments.FOR CITATION: Krivoborodov Yu.R. Special cements: varieties, properties and applications // Technique and technology of silicates. 2023.Vol. 30. No1. Pp 84 – 91.